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gnmic-subscribe: Subscribe to a target for only one update.
$ gnmic -a ${ip:port} subscribe --path ${path} --mode once
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This command is using the tool gnmic to subscribe to a network device using the specified IP address and port.

The -a flag specifies the address and port of the network device, where ${ip:port} is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual IP address and port.

The subscribe keyword tells gnmic to subscribe to the specified device.

The --path flag specifies the path to the data that needs to be subscribed to. The ${path} placeholder should be replaced with the actual path.

The --mode once flag indicates that gnmic should only receive a single update from the subscribed data and then exit.

Combined, this command is subscribing to a network device specified by the IP address and port, subscribing to the data specified by the path, and receiving only one update before terminating the subscription.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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