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gnmic-subscribe: Subscribe to a target with sample interval and updates only on change.
$ gnmic -a ${ip:port} subscribe --path ${path} --stream-mode on-change --heartbeat-interval 1m
try on your machine

The command you provided:

gnmic -a ${ip:port} subscribe --path ${path} --stream-mode on-change --heartbeat-interval 1m


  • gnmic: This is the name of the command-line tool being executed.
  • -a ${ip:port}: Specifies the address and port to connect to. The ${ip:port} placeholder suggests that you should replace it with the actual IP address and port you want to connect to.
  • subscribe: This is the action being performed by the gnmic tool, indicating that you want to subscribe to data updates.
  • --path ${path}: Specifies the path to the data you want to subscribe to. The ${path} placeholder implies that you should replace it with the actual path.
  • --stream-mode on-change: Sets the stream mode to "on-change." This means that you will only receive updates when the subscribed data changes rather than receiving all data periodically.
  • --heartbeat-interval 1m: Sets the heartbeat interval to 1 minute. This means that the subscribed service will send a heartbeat signal every minute to ensure the connection is maintained.

Overall, this command is using the gnmic tool to connect to a specified IP address and port, subscribe to updates of a specific data path, and receive updates when the subscribed data changes. Additionally, it sets a heartbeat interval to maintain the connection.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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