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gnomon: Use UNIX (or DOS) pipes to pipe the `stdout` of any command through gnomon.
$ ${npm test} | gnomon
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This command executes two separate commands, connected using the pipe operator (|).

  1. ${npm test}: This is a placeholder for running the test command defined in the npm package.json file. When you invoke this command, it will run the test script specified in the "scripts" section of the package.json file.

  2. gnomon: This is a command-line utility tool used for adding a timestamp and a duration to the standard output of another command. It enhances the output readability by providing information on when each line was printed and how much time has passed. In this case, it receives the output of the previous command (${npm test}) as input and displays it with additional timing information.

In summary, when you run ${npm test} | gnomon, it will execute the npm test command and then pass its output to the gnomon command, which will enhance the output by adding timestamps and durations to each line displayed in the terminal.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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