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gnuplot: Persist the graph plot preview window after gnuplot exits.
$ gnuplot --persist ${path-to-definition-plt}
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This command is using the gnuplot software to execute a script or plot defined in a file at the specified path.

Here is an explanation of the various components:

  • gnuplot: This is the command to execute the gnuplot software.
  • --persist: This option tells gnuplot to keep the plot window open even after the script execution is complete. It allows you to interact with the plot and make modifications if needed.
  • ${path-to-definition-plt}: This is a placeholder for the actual path to the file containing the gnuplot script or plot definition. You need to replace this with the actual file path in your command.

By executing this command, gnuplot will read the script or plot definition file and generate the corresponding plot according to the instructions specified in the file. The plot window will remain open for further interaction or analysis.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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