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gnuplot: Set the output format by executing a command before loading the definition file.
$ gnuplot -e "${set output "filenamename-png" size 1024,768}" ${path-to-definition-plt}
try on your machine

The command you provided runs the software gnuplot with specific arguments and options. Here is the breakdown of the command:

  1. gnuplot: This is the command to execute the gnuplot software.

  2. -e: This option allows you to specify an inline script or command to be executed by gnuplot.

  3. "${set output "filenamename-png" size 1024,768}": This is the inline script being passed using the -e option. It sets the output file name to "filenamename-png" and specifies the size of the output file as 1024 pixels wide and 768 pixels high. The ${} syntax is typically used to reference environmental variables or to embed the script within a shell command.

  4. ${path-to-definition-plt}: This is the path to the definition file (typically with a .plt extension) that contains the gnuplot commands and instructions for plotting.

Overall, this command combines gnuplot execution with an inline script to set the output filename and size, and then references a separate definition file for the actual plotting instructions.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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