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godoc: Display help for the function "Printf" of "fmt" package.
$ godoc ${fmt} ${Printf}
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This command is used to display the documentation for a specific function or package in Go programming language using the godoc tool.

Here's how the command is structured:

  • godoc: This is the command-line tool that is used to interact with the Go documentation system.
  • ${fmt}: This is a placeholder for the package name. In this case, it represents the fmt package, which is the standard library package in Go for formatting input and output.
  • ${Printf}: This is another placeholder, representing the specific function within the fmt package that you want to see documentation for. In this case, it represents the Printf function, which is used for formatted printing.

So, when you execute the command godoc fmt Printf, it will display the documentation for the Printf function within the fmt package, providing details about its usage, input parameters, return values, and examples.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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