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godoc: Use the given index file to search the docs.
$ godoc -http=:${6060} -index -index_files=${filename}
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The command you provided is godoc -http=:${6060} -index -index_files=${filename}. Here's a breakdown:

  • godoc: godoc is a command-line tool in Go programming language used for generating and displaying Go documentation from source code.
  • -http=:${6060}: This flag is used to specify the address and port number where the godoc webserver should listen for HTTP requests. In this case, the value ${6060} indicates that the port number is 6060.
  • -index: This flag specifies that an index of identifiers should be built and made available for searching.
  • -index_files=${filename}: This flag specifies one or more comma-separated file patterns to scan for additional package documentation. Here, ${filename} indicates the name of the file to be used for indexing.

So overall, the godoc -http=:${6060} -index -index_files=${filename} command starts the godoc webserver, instructs it to listen on port 6060, builds an index of identifiers, and scans the specified file (indicated by ${filename}) for additional package documentation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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