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gopass: Create a new entry.
$ gopass new
try on your machine

The gopass new command is used in the context of the Gopass password manager application.

Gopass is a command-line password manager that helps securely store and manage passwords. Its new command is used to create a new password entry in the Gopass password store.

When you execute gopass new, it will prompt you to enter a name for the new password entry. This name can be any string that helps you identify the password entry (e.g., gmail, work-email, bank-account, etc.).

Once you provide the name, Gopass will generate a random password for the new entry. This password can be further customized if needed. Then, it will ask you to confirm the password by entering it again. Finally, it will save the new password entry in the Gopass password store.

By using the new command, you can quickly and securely create new password entries in Gopass, making it easier to manage your passwords and access them when needed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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