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gops: Print the current stack trace from a target program.
$ gops stack ${select}
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The gops stack ${select} command is used to display the stack trace of a running Go process. Here is an explanation of each component of the command:

  • gops: It refers to the gops tool, which is a command-line utility for exploring and interacting with Go processes.
  • stack: It is one of the options provided by gops to display the stack trace of a Go process.
  • ${select}: It is a placeholder that represents the process ID (PID) or the name or the index of the Go process for which you want to retrieve the stack trace. You need to replace ${select} with the appropriate value, for example, the process ID of the Go process you are interested in.

By executing this command and replacing ${select} with the correct value, you can retrieve the stack trace of a specific Go process. The stack trace provides information about function calls and their order, which can be helpful for debugging and analyzing the execution flow of a program.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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