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gops: Print all go processes running locally.
$ gops
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The "gops" command is a tool for exploring and understanding Go (Golang) processes. It provides a simple command-line interface to interact with running Go programs and gain insights into their internals.

When you execute the "gops" command, it typically displays a list of running Go processes along with their process IDs (PIDs), allowing you to choose a specific process to inspect. Once you select a process, "gops" provides various subcommands to perform different operations on that process.

Some commonly used subcommands of "gops" include:

  • "gops stack": Prints a stack trace of the selected Go process.
  • "gops gc": Initiates garbage collection in the selected process.
  • "gops memstats": Prints memory statistics of the Go process.
  • "gops version": Displays the Go version used by the selected process.

Overall, "gops" is an essential tool for diagnosing, debugging, and monitoring Go applications at runtime.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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