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gops: Display a process tree.
$ gops tree
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The command "gops tree" is used to display the process tree of Go programs.

When you run a Go program, it may consist of multiple goroutines, which are lightweight threads managed by the Go runtime. These goroutines can spawn child goroutines and create a hierarchical structure known as the process tree.

The "gops tree" command leverages the "gops" tool, which is a process inspector for Go applications. It interacts with the Go runtime to gather information about running Go programs. When you execute "gops tree", it scans the currently running Go processes on your system and presents the process tree in a hierarchical format.

The output of the "gops tree" command typically shows the main Go process at the top level, with its child goroutines indented below. Each goroutine is listed with its unique identifier (goroutine ID or GID) and some additional information such as the stack trace, creation time, and state.

This command is helpful when you want to inspect the structure and hierarchy of goroutines in a running Go program, which can assist in analyzing its behavior and possible performance issues.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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