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gotty: Share with credential (Basic Auth).
$ gotty -w -c ${username}:${password} ${shell}
try on your machine

The command gotty -w -c ${username}:${password} ${shell} is used to start the gotty utility with certain options and login credentials.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • gotty: It is the command name for the gotty utility.
  • -w: It enables writing access to the TTY (Terminal).
  • -c ${username}:${password}: It sets the login credentials for authentication. ${username} represents the username to use for authentication, and ${password} represents the corresponding password.
  • ${shell}: It specifies the shell to be used after successful authentication. It refers to the shell executable or path.

Overall, this command starts the gotty utility with write access to the terminal, prompts for authentication using the provided ${username} and ${password}, and then launches the specified ${shell} after successful authentication.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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