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gow: Watch subdirectories in verbose mode.
$ gow -v -w=${path-to-directory1,path-to-directory2,---} run .
try on your machine

This command is making use of the "gow" tool with some specific options and arguments.

Explanation of the command:

  • "gow" is a command-line tool that is being used here.
  • "-v" is an option that stands for "verbose". It enables the tool to provide more detailed output while executing commands.
  • "-w=${path-to-directory1,path-to-directory2,---}" is an option that specifies the directories to include in the watchlist. This option takes multiple directory paths separated by commas and enclosed within curly braces. Replace "${path-to-directory1,path-to-directory2,---}" with the actual paths to the directories you want to include.
  • "run" is a command that tells the tool to execute a specified command.
  • "." is the argument passed to the "run" command. In this particular case, it represents the current directory.

Overall, this command is using the "gow" tool to monitor multiple directories mentioned in the watchlist while executing a specified command in the current directory. The "-v" option is enabling verbose output, which means it will provide detailed information during the execution.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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