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List of commands for gpg:

  • gpg:ai:704fc How to encrypt the bup backup
    $ gpg -c -o encrypted_backup.tar.gz.gpg backup.tar.gz
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  • gpg:tldr:067ca gpg: Sign `doc.txt` without encryption (writes output to `doc.txt.asc`).
    $ gpg --clearsign ${doc-txt}
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  • gpg:tldr:1417a gpg: Export private key for (output to `stdout`).
    $ gpg --export-secret-keys --armor ${alice@example-com}
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  • gpg:tldr:24215 gpg: Create a GPG public and private key interactively.
    $ gpg --full-generate-key
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  • gpg:tldr:7ed74 gpg: Decrypt `doc.txt.gpg` (output to `stdout`).
    $ gpg --decrypt ${doc-txt-gpg}
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  • gpg:tldr:ae34f gpg: Encrypt and sign `doc.txt` for and (output to `doc.txt.gpg`).
    $ gpg --encrypt --sign --recipient ${alice@example-com} --recipient ${bob@example-com} ${doc-txt}
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  • gpg:tldr:d2976 gpg: Export public key for (output to `stdout`).
    $ gpg --export --armor ${alice@example-com}
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  • gpg:tldr:d7e0d gpg: Encrypt `doc.txt` with only a passphrase (output to `doc.txt.gpg`).
    $ gpg --symmetric ${doc-txt}
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  • gpg:tldr:eaf55 gpg: Import a public key.
    $ gpg --import ${public-gpg}
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