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gpg-tui: Start `gpg-tui` with color and ASCII armored output.
$ gpg-tui --style ${colored} --armor
try on your machine

The command gpg-tui --style ${colored} --armor is used to launch a text-based user interface (TUI) for GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) with a specified style and output format.

Here is a breakdown of the different components:

  1. gpg-tui: This is the executable command for launching the GPG TUI. GPG is a free and open-source implementation of the OpenPGP encryption standard.

  2. --style ${colored}: This flag sets the style of the TUI interface. ${colored} is likely a variable that holds a value specifying the colored style for better visual distinction and readability. This style option enhances the appearance of the user interface by using different colors for different elements.

  3. --armor: This flag specifies that the output should be in ASCII armor format. ASCII armor is a way of representing binary data (such as encrypted messages or cryptographic keys) using only printable ASCII characters. It is commonly used for exchanging secure data through non-binary mediums (e.g., email).

Therefore, when executing the command, it will launch the GPG TUI with the specified style set to ${colored}, providing a visually appealing interface, and the output generated will be in ASCII armor format.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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