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gpgv: Verify a signed file using a detached signature.
$ gpgv ${path-to-signature} ${filename}
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The command "gpgv" is used to verify the signature of a file using GnuPG (GPG). GPG is a widely used encryption software that provides secure communication and data integrity.

Here is an explanation of each element in the command:

  • "gpgv" is the command itself, which invokes GnuPG in verification mode.
  • "${path-to-signature}" represents the path to the signature file associated with the file you want to verify. The signature file typically has a ".sig" or ".asc" extension and contains the cryptographic signature generated by the signer.
  • "${filename}" represents the name of the file you want to verify the signature for.

When you execute this command, GnuPG will use the public key associated with the signer to verify the digital signature. If the signature is valid and the file has not been tampered with, GnuPG will output a message indicating that the signature is good. If the signature is not valid or the file has been tampered with, GnuPG will display an error message.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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