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gprof: Compile binary with gprof information and run it to get `gmon.out`.
$ gcc -pg ${program-c} && ${--a-out}
try on your machine

The command you provided is:

gcc -pg ${program-c} && ${--a-out}


  1. gcc: It is the GNU Compiler Collection, a compiler system used to compile and link code written in various programming languages.

  2. -pg: This option is passed to gcc, and it enables the generation of profiling information. Profiling helps to analyze the behavior and performance of a program.

  3. ${program-c}: This is a placeholder for the name of the source file or files that need to be compiled. The actual name of the program should be substituted here. For example, if the source file is named "program.c", this command would look like gcc -pg program.c.

  4. &&: It is a command separator used in the shell. It denotes that the next command should only run if the preceding command (gcc -pg ${program-c}) executes successfully.

  5. ${--a-out}: This seems to be an incorrect syntax. It is likely that this placeholder should be replaced with the desired name of the output executable file. For example, if the desired name is "output", the command would be gcc -pg program.c -o output, where -o is used to specify the output file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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