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gpupdate: Check and apply updated Group Policy settings.
$ gpupdate
try on your machine

The command "gpupdate" stands for Group Policy Update. It is a command used in Microsoft Windows operating systems to manually update the Group Policy settings on a local computer or a remote computer.

Group Policy is a feature in Windows that allows administrators to manage the operating system and user settings for multiple computers in a network environment. These policies can control various aspects of the operating system, such as security settings, software installation, and user configurations.

When you run the "gpupdate" command, it forces the computer to refresh and apply any changes made to Group Policy since the last update. This command is useful in scenarios where immediate application of new policies is required or when troubleshooting issues related to Group Policy.

By default, the "gpupdate" command updates both the computer and user policies. However, you can use different flags with the command to specify which policy settings to update, such as "/target:computer" or "/target:user". Additionally, the "/force" flag can be used to bypass certain requirements and force the update to occur immediately.

It's worth noting that the "gpupdate" command requires administrative privileges to run, and it may take a few moments to complete the update process.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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