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gpupdate: Force all Group Policy settings to be reapplied.
$ gpupdate /force
try on your machine

The command "gpupdate /force" is used in a Windows environment to manually force an immediate update of Group Policy settings on a computer.

Group Policy is a feature in Windows that allows administrators to manage and configure security settings, user settings, and network resources for a group of computers through a centralized Group Policy Object (GPO).

By default, Group Policy updates occur automatically every 90 minutes, with a random offset of up to 30 minutes. However, there are situations where an immediate update is necessary. Running "gpupdate /force" ensures that all Group Policy settings are immediately refreshed and applied on the computer.

Here's a breakdown of the components of the command:

  • "gpupdate" is the main command that initiates the Group Policy update process.
  • "/force" is a switch that forces the update to occur immediately, overriding the regular update schedule. It ensures that all changes to Group Policy settings are applied right away.

Please note that running this command usually requires administrative privileges on the computer. Additionally, after executing the command, the system might temporarily freeze or log the user out as the Group Policy settings are applied, so it is recommended to save any open work beforehand.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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