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gradle: Compile a package.
$ gradle build
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The command "gradle build" is used in the context of working with Gradle, a popular build automation tool commonly used for Java projects but also for other languages.

When you run "gradle build", Gradle will execute the build task which is defined in the build.gradle file of your project (or in a build script if you are using a custom configuration). This task is responsible for compiling the source code, running tests, and generating the artifacts (e.g., JAR files) that make up the final deliverable of your project.

By default, Gradle uses its own build language called Groovy (though Kotlin can also be used) to define the build script and specify the build configuration. You can customize the build process according to your project-specific requirements by modifying the build.gradle file (or other configuration files).

The "gradle build" command is typically run from the command line, inside the project directory. When executed, Gradle will check for dependencies, compile the source code, run tests, package the application, and perform other tasks as specified in the build script. If the build is successful, it will generate the desired artifacts that can be deployed or distributed.

Overall, running "gradle build" is a way to trigger the build process defined by Gradle, allowing you to compile your code, ensure its correctness via testing, and generate the necessary artifacts for your project.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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