grap: Process a `grap` file and save the output file for future processing with `pic` and `groff`.
$ grap ${path-to-input-grap} > ${path-to-output-pic}
try on your machine
The above command is referring to a command-line command that is being executed.
The command is using the "grap" command, which is a graph-making utility tool that typically exists in Unix-based systems. This command takes the path to an input file containing a grap code and produces an output picture.
Here's a breakdown of the command:
: The command to execute the "grap" utility.${path-to-input-grap}
: This is a placeholder representing the path to the input file that contains the "grap" code. You should replace it with the actual path to the input file.>
: This symbol denotes output redirection. It tells the command-line to redirect the output (in this case, the generated picture) to a file.${path-to-output-pic}
: This is another placeholder representing the path to the output file where the generated picture will be saved. Replace it with the actual path and filename for the output file.
Overall, this command will execute the "grap" utility with the specified input file and save the resulting graph or picture into the output file.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.