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grealpath: View documentation for the original command.
$ tldr -p linux realpath
try on your machine

The command "tldr -p linux realpath" is used to display a simplified version of the documentation or usage examples for the "realpath" command specifically on the Linux operating system.

Here's a breakdown of each component:

  • "tldr" stands for "Too Long; Didn't Read". It is a command-line utility that provides concise and easily understandable summaries of various commands or utilities.

  • "-p" is a command-line flag or option used with "tldr". In this context, it instructs "tldr" to present the documentation specific to the Linux platform.

  • "linux" is an argument provided after the "-p" flag, specifying the platform for which you want to see the command documentation.

  • "realpath" is the specific command for which you want to view the documentation or usage examples. "realpath" is used to resolve the complete or absolute path of a given file or directory.

By executing "tldr -p linux realpath", you will be presented with a simplified summary or examples of how to use the "realpath" command on a Linux system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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