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grex: Replace spaces with '\s'.
$ grex -s ${space_separated_strings}
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The command grex -s ${space_separated_strings} is used to generate a regex pattern that can match a given set of space-separated strings.

Here's a breakdown of the components:

  • grex is a command-line tool that stands for "generate regular expression". It is used to automatically generate regular expressions based on given input strings.
  • -s is an option or flag for the grex command, which specifies that the input strings are separated by spaces.
  • ${space_separated_strings} is a placeholder for the actual set of space-separated strings that you want to generate a regex pattern for.

In practical use, you would replace ${space_separated_strings} with your actual set of strings. For example, if you have a space-separated list of words like "apple banana cherry", the full command would be grex -s "apple banana cherry". The grex tool will then analyze the input strings and generate a regex pattern that can match any of the individual words in the list.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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