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grim: Screenshot all outputs.
$ grim
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The "grim" command is used in the Linux operating system to take screenshots. Here's an explanation of the command:

  1. Function: The "grim" command is primarily used to capture screenshots of the entire screen or specific areas within the screen in various image formats.

  2. Usage: To use "grim," you would typically execute the command followed by various options or flags to specify the desired behavior of the screenshot. Some common options include specifying the output file name, capturing a specific area of the screen, or including the cursor in the screenshot.

  3. Options: Here are a few common options used with the "grim" command:

    -o, --output: Used to specify the output file name or path. -g, --geometry: Enables selecting a specific area of the screen to capture. -c, --cursor: Includes the cursor while taking the screenshot. -t, --tableteg:on|off: Allows capturing tablet devices.

  4. Examples: Here are a few examples of using the "grim" command:

    • To capture the entire screen and save it as "screenshot.png":

      grim screenshot.png
    • To capture a specific area of the screen and save it as "area.png":

      grim -g "$(slurp)" area.png
    • To capture the screen with the cursor and save it as "cursor.png":

      grim -c cursor.png

Note: The exact behavior and available options of the "grim" command may vary depending on the version and configuration of your operating system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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