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groff: Typeset a roff file containing [t]ables and [p]ictures, using the [me] macro set, to PDF, saving the output.
$ groff ${-t} ${-p} -${me} -T ${pdf} ${path-to-input-me} > ${path-to-output-pdf}
try on your machine

This command is using the groff utility to convert a file written in the groff markup language to a PDF format. Let's break down each component to understand what it does:

  • ${-t} and ${-p} are command-line options that determine the behavior of groff. These options are likely to be used with specific values or flags, but we can't infer their exact meaning without more context.

  • -${me} is another command-line option provided to the groff utility. Similar to the previous options, its specific purpose would depend on the context.

  • -T ${pdf} sets the output format of the groff command to PDF. ${pdf} is likely a variable that stores the string "pdf".

  • ${path-to-input-me} is the path to the input file written in groff that you want to convert to PDF. It could be a local file or a reference to a file stored somewhere else.

  • > ${path-to-output-pdf} redirects the standard output of the groff command to a file specified by ${path-to-output-pdf}. This means that the resulting PDF file will be saved to the location specified.

Overall, this command is utilizing the groff utility with various options and parameters to convert a groff file to a PDF format and save the output as a separate PDF file. The specific behavior and meaning of the command will depend on the values assigned to the options and variables.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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