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groupadd: Create a new system group.
$ sudo groupadd --system ${group_name}
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This command creates a new system group using the "groupadd" command with superuser privileges (sudo).

Here's what each part of the command does:

  • "sudo": It is used to execute the following command with administrative or superuser privileges. This is necessary when creating a system group since only privileged users can perform such actions.

  • "groupadd": It is the command used to create a new group in Linux systems. It is followed by various options and arguments that provide additional instructions and information to the command.

  • "--system": It is an option for the "groupadd" command. When used, it creates a system group instead of a regular group. System groups in Linux are generally used for managing system processes, daemons, and services. They have specific purposes and are often predefined in the system.

  • "${group_name}": It is a placeholder for the actual name of the group that you want to create. It could be replaced with the desired name of the system group. The use of curly braces and the "$" sign is a common way to reference variables or placeholders in Linux command-line environments.

Overall, this command creates a new system group with the specified name, allowing it to be used for system-related tasks and management.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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