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grub-install: Install GRUB pre-loading specific modules.
$ grub-install --target=${x86_64-efi} --efi-directory=${path-to-efi_directory} --modules="${part_gpt part_msdos}"
try on your machine

The command grub-install is used to install the GRUB bootloader onto a system. In this case, the command is being passed certain options and parameters:

--target=${x86_64-efi}: Specifies the target platform architecture for the bootloader installation. In this case, it is set to x86_64-efi, which is commonly used for 64-bit systems running with EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface).

--efi-directory=${path-to-efi_directory}: Specifies the directory where the EFI system partition is mounted. The EFI system partition is a partition on the disk that holds EFI boot loaders and related files. The path-to-efi_directory should be replaced with the actual path to that directory.

--modules="${part_gpt part_msdos}": Specifies additional GRUB modules to be installed. The ${part_gpt} and ${part_msdos} are module names. These modules allow GRUB to understand and access partitions formatted with either GPT (GUID Partition Table) or MSDOS partitioning schemes.

Overall, this command is used to install the GRUB bootloader on an EFI system, specifically for a 64-bit architecture, with the appropriate modules for GPT and MSDOS partitioning schemes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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