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grumphp: Register the Git hooks.
$ grumphp git:init
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The "grumphp git:init" command is used to initialize Git hooks for the GrumPHP tool.

GrumPHP is a PHP-based tool that helps developers to enforce a certain coding standard and perform various checks automatically before committing code changes to the Git repository. It ensures that the committed code meets the defined coding standards and does not violate any specified rules.

To start using GrumPHP, you need to initialize the Git hooks within your Git repository. Git hooks are scripts that are triggered at specific points during the Git workflow. GrumPHP leverages these hooks to run checks on your code automatically.

The "grumphp git:init" command sets up the necessary Git hooks in the current Git repository. Once the hooks are installed, GrumPHP will be triggered each time a developer tries to commit code changes. GrumPHP will then run pre-defined tasks, such as checking code style, running tests, and other custom checks, to ensure the code meets the required quality standards.

By using GrumPHP's Git hooks, developers can catch and fix issues in their code before they are committed, ensuring that the overall codebase remains maintainable and adheres to the project's standards.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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