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grunt: Perform a dry-run without writing any files.
$ grunt --no-write
try on your machine

The command grunt --no-write is used in the Grunt task runner to disable the actual writing of files to the output destination.

In Grunt, tasks often involve processing files and generating output files. By default, the files are processed and the output is written to the designated destination (such as a build folder). However, in certain situations, you may not want to write the output files, but rather just see the logging or debugging information.

The --no-write option instructs Grunt to perform all the processing and task operations without actually writing the output files. This can be useful during development or testing phases when you want to see the output or verify the task operations without modifying the output files.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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