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grunt: Run the default task process.
$ grunt
try on your machine

The command "grunt" is used in the context of the Grunt task runner, which is a JavaScript task runner that automates and streamlines various development tasks.

When you execute the "grunt" command in the terminal or command prompt, it looks for a Gruntfile.js or file in the current directory. This file contains configuration settings and task definitions for Grunt.

Upon finding the Gruntfile, Grunt reads the file and performs the tasks specified within it. These tasks can include actions like compiling CSS or JavaScript files, minifying code, running tests, or performing other build-related tasks. Grunt allows you to automate repetitive tasks and improve your development workflow.

The exact behavior of the "grunt" command depends on the configuration and tasks defined in the Gruntfile. It may display logs or progress information, execute tasks, or generate output files as specified in the configuration.

Overall, the "grunt" command acts as the entry point for running tasks defined in the Gruntfile, providing a way to automate and streamline various aspects of web development.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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