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List of commands for gsutil:

  • gsutil:tldr:3559f gsutil: Rename or move objects in a bucket.
    $ gsutil mv gs://${bucket_name}/${old_object_name} gs://${bucket_name}/${new_object_name}
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  • gsutil:tldr:6cbcf gsutil: Upload an object to a bucket.
    $ gsutil cp ${object_location} gs://${destination_bucket_name}/
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  • gsutil:tldr:9a3d0 gsutil: Download an object from a bucket.
    $ gsutil cp gs://${bucket_name}/${object_name} ${path-to-save_location}
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  • gsutil:tldr:9d5a6 gsutil: List all buckets in a project you are logged into.
    $ gsutil ls
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  • gsutil:tldr:d1d0b gsutil: Create a new bucket in the project you are logged into.
    $ gsutil mb gs://${bucket_name}
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  • gsutil:tldr:e16c8 gsutil: List the objects in a bucket.
    $ gsutil ls -r 'gs://${bucket_name}/${prefix}**'
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  • gsutil:tldr:f8e55 gsutil: Delete a bucket and remove all the objects in it.
    $ gsutil rm -r gs://${bucket_name}
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