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gtsort: View documentation for the original command.
$ tldr -p linux tsort
try on your machine

The command "tldr -p linux tsort" is a command-line API command that combines the tldr and tsort commands in Linux.

  1. tldr: It stands for "Too Long; Didn't Read" and is a community-driven command-line tool that provides simplified and concise examples of how to use various commands. It offers quick references and practical examples for command usage.

  2. -p linux: This option specifies that the command example is requested for the Linux operating system. It helps to filter and display only the relevant examples for the Linux platform.

  3. tsort: It is a command used to perform topological sorting on the input data. Topological sorting is a technique that arranges a set of items based on their dependencies, such as tasks that need to be performed in a specific order. The tsort command takes input in the form of pairs, where each pair represents a dependency relationship between two items. It then outputs a linear ordering of the items that satisfies all dependencies.

By combining tldr and tsort in the given command, you are requesting simplified examples and usage instructions for the tsort command specifically for Linux. This can help you understand how to use tsort effectively and efficiently.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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