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back to the Ctrl+PageUp tool


guake: Go to the previous tab.
$ Ctrl+PageUp
try on your machine

The command "Ctrl+PageUp" is a keyboard shortcut used in many applications and operating systems. It is typically used to switch between different tabs or documents in a multi-tabbed or multi-document environment.

When you press the "Ctrl" key on your keyboard and simultaneously press the "PageUp" key, you are instructing the system to navigate to the previous tab or document in the sequence.

For example, in web browsers like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, pressing "Ctrl+PageUp" will switch to the tab located to the left of the currently active tab. Conversely, pressing "Ctrl+PageDown" will switch to the tab located to the right.

Similarly, in text editors or word processors, using "Ctrl+PageUp" will move to the previous document or file, while "Ctrl+PageDown" will move to the next document or file in the list.

Overall, "Ctrl+PageUp" is a shortcut for quickly switching between open tabs or documents in a tabbed or multi-document environment, making it faster to navigate through various files or webpages.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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