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guake: Close the terminal.
$ Super+X
try on your machine

The command "Super+X" typically refers to pressing the "Super" key (also known as the "Windows" key) on a keyboard in combination with the "X" key.

The function of this command can vary depending on the operating system or specific software being used. However, in many cases, this combination can trigger a system or application-specific action.

For example, in some Linux desktop environments, such as GNOME, pressing Super+X can open the system menu or the application menu, providing quick access to various options and functionalities. Similarly, in Windows 10, Super+X can open the Power User Menu, which contains shortcuts to essential system tools and settings.

The exact action associated with Super+X may differ depending on the context and user preferences, but it generally serves as a keyboard shortcut to access specific features, menus, or functions for enhanced productivity and efficiency.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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