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gulp: Run the default task.
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The command "gulp" is a popular task runner for automating repetitive tasks in web development. It is built on top of Node.js and facilitates tasks such as compiling code, optimizing assets, and running tests.

When you run the "gulp" command in your terminal, it looks for a file named "gulpfile.js" in your project's root directory. This file contains the tasks and configurations you want to execute using Gulp.

The "gulpfile.js" specifies different tasks using the Gulp API. Each task is a function that defines a set of actions to be executed when the task is run. For example, a task might concatenate and minify JavaScript files, compile Sass into CSS, or optimize images.

Once you have defined the desired tasks in the gulpfile, you can execute them by simply typing "gulp" in the terminal. Gulp will then look for the default task defined in the gulpfile (usually named "default") and execute it. You can also specify a particular task to run by appending its name after the "gulp" command, e.g., "gulp sass" to only run the "sass" task.

Overall, the "gulp" command is the entry point to initiate the execution of tasks defined in the gulpfile, making it a powerful tool for automating and streamlining web development workflows.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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