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gvcolor: Colorize one or more ranked digraph (that were already processed by `dot`).
$ gvcolor ${path-to-layout1-gv} ${path-to-layout2-gv ---} > ${path-to-output-gv}
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This command is using the gvcolor utility to create a colorized version of a Graphviz .gv file. Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • ${path-to-layout1-gv}: This is the path to the first .gv file that you want to create a colorized version of.
  • ${path-to-layout2-gv}: This is the path to the second .gv file that you want to create a colorized version of.
  • ${path-to-output-gv}: This is the path where you want to save the colorized output .gv file.

The command is executed using the > symbol, which redirects the standard output of the command to the specified output file. In this case, the colorized version of the input .gv files will be saved to the ${path-to-output-gv} file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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