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gvpack: Combine several graph layouts (that already have layout information).
$ gvpack ${path-to-layout1-gv} ${path-to-layout2-gv ---} > ${path-to-output-gv}
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This command is using a tool called "gvpack" to combine two Graphviz layout files (.gv files) into one output file.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • "gvpack": This is the name of the tool that is being executed.
  • "${path-to-layout1-gv}": This is the path to the first Graphviz layout file. It should be replaced with the actual file path on your system.
  • "${path-to-layout2-gv}": This is the path to the second Graphviz layout file. Again, replace it with the actual file path.
  • "> ${path-to-output-gv}": This part redirects the output of the command and saves it into a new file specified by the path-to-output-gv. The ">" symbol is used to redirect output, and the "${path-to-output-gv}" should be replaced with the file path where you want to save the combined layout.

In summary, this command takes two Graphviz layout files and combines them into one output file using the "gvpack" tool. The resulting combined layout will be saved at the specified path.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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