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gwhoami: View documentation for the original command.
$ tldr -p linux whoami
try on your machine

The command "tldr -p linux whoami" is a combination of two separate commands: "tldr" and "whoami".

  1. "tldr" stands for "Too Long; Didn't Read". It is a command-line tool that provides concise and simplified explanations for commonly used commands. It is designed to quickly provide users with the essential information they need without going through lengthy documentation.

When you run "tldr" followed by a command, it fetches a simplified explanation from its database and displays it in the terminal. For example, "tldr ls" will give you a short overview of the "ls" command, which is used to list directory contents.

  1. "whoami" is a simple command in Linux that prints the username of the current user who is executing the command. It helps you identify which user account you are currently logged in as.

By combining these two commands with the "-p linux" option, you are essentially asking "tldr" to provide a concise explanation of the "whoami" command, specifically in the context of Linux.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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