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gzip: Specify the compression level. 1=Fastest (Worst), 9=Slowest (Best), Default level is 6.
$ gzip -9 -c ${file-ext} > ${compressed_file-ext-gz}
try on your machine

This command is using the gzip tool to compress a file. Let's break it down:

  • gzip: This is the command-line tool used to compress files using the gzip algorithm.
  • -9: This is an optional flag that specifies the compression level. In this case, it is set to -9, which represents the maximum compression level. Higher compression levels result in smaller file sizes but take longer to compress.
  • -c: This flag tells gzip to write the compressed output to standard output instead of creating a compressed file directly. It is commonly used in combination with redirection to handle compressed data.
  • ${file-ext}: This is a placeholder variable representing the name or path of the file you want to compress. It needs to be replaced with the actual file name or path for the command to work correctly.
  • >${compressed_file-ext-gz}: This is the redirection symbol (>) followed by another placeholder variable ${compressed_file-ext-gz}. It represents the destination filename for the compressed file. Like the previous variable, it needs to be replaced with the desired filename or path.

Overall, the command compresses the specified file at maximum compression level (-9) and writes the compressed output to the specified compressed file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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