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hangups: Set a refresh token for hangups.
$ hangups --token-path ${path-to-token}
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The command "hangups --token-path ${path-to-token}" is used to launch the Hangups client with a specified token file path.

Here's an explanation of the different components of this command:

  • "hangups": Refers to the Hangups client, which is a Python-based client for Google Hangouts.
  • "--token-path": is a command-line argument that specifies the location or path to the Hangups token file.
  • "${path-to-token}": This is a placeholder indicating that you need to replace it with the actual path to the token file on your system. The token file contains the necessary access credentials to authenticate your usage of the Hangups client.

By providing the correct path to the token file, this command allows you to launch the Hangups client and use it to interact with Google Hangouts, whether it's sending messages, joining chats, or performing other actions within the Hangouts platform.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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