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hardhat: Run Mocha tests.
$ hardhat test
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The command "hardhat test" is used in the context of the Ethereum development framework called Hardhat. Hardhat is a command-line tool that facilitates the development, testing, and deployment of Ethereum smart contracts.

The "hardhat test" command is specifically used to run tests for smart contracts. When you execute this command, Hardhat will locate and execute your test files, which are typically written using testing frameworks like Mocha or Chai.

Running tests is essential to ensure that the smart contracts you develop work as intended and avoid any potential bugs or vulnerabilities. By using "hardhat test", you can automate the testing process and quickly identify any issues in your smart contracts.

Typically, when executing "hardhat test", Hardhat will launch a local Ethereum network specifically for running the tests. It will then deploy your smart contracts to this local network and perform various operations, such as executing functions and checking the expected results against the defined test cases.

Overall, "hardhat test" simplifies and streamlines the process of testing smart contracts, enabling developers to iteratively test and refine their code before deploying it to the Ethereum mainnet or other test networks.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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