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hardhat: Start a local Ethereum JSON-RPC node for development.
$ hardhat node
try on your machine

The command "hardhat node" is used in the Hardhat framework for Ethereum development. It starts a local Ethereum node, which simulates a full blockchain network on your computer.

When you run "hardhat node," it initializes a new Ethereum network on your machine, allowing you to interact with it as if it were a real network. This can be useful for development and testing purposes, as it provides a local environment where you can deploy contracts, send transactions, and test various interactions without interacting with the main Ethereum network.

The local node created by "hardhat node" is often referred to as a "hardhat network." It runs on your machine and provides you with accounts to use for testing purposes, as well as predefined block times and gas prices. This makes it convenient for development and testing purposes as it eliminates the need to interact with a live network.

Once the "hardhat node" command is executed, you can interact with the local node using other commands provided by Hardhat or by connecting your dApp (decentralized application) to it and performing actions programmatically.

Overall, "hardhat node" is a command in the Hardhat framework that starts a local Ethereum node, allowing you to test and develop smart contracts and dApps in a controlled environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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