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hashcat: Perform a rule-based dictionary attack (mode 0) using the RockYou wordlist mutated with common password variations.
$ hashcat --hash-type ${hash_type_id} --attack-mode ${0} --rules-file ${-usr-share-hashcat-rules-best64-rule} ${hash_value} ${-usr-share-wordlists-rockyou-txt}
try on your machine

This command is using the hashcat tool to perform a password cracking attack on a specific hash value.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • hashcat: This is the name of the tool/command itself, which is used for password cracking.

  • --hash-type ${hash_type_id}: This flag specifies the type of hash algorithm used in the hash value that needs to be cracked. ${hash_type_id} is a placeholder variable that should be replaced with the actual hash type ID. For example, it could be MD5, SHA1, or NTLM.

  • --attack-mode ${0}: This flag indicates the attack mode to be used by hashcat. ${0} is another placeholder for the specific attack mode ID. The actual value depends on the attack mode you want to use. For example, 0 stands for Straight, 1 for Combination, 3 for Brute-force, etc.

  • --rules-file ${-usr-share-hashcat-rules-best64-rule}: This flag specifies the rules file to be applied during the cracking process. ${-usr-share-hashcat-rules-best64-rule} is another placeholder that should be replaced with the actual path to the rules file on your system.

  • ${hash_value}: This is the actual hash value that needs to be cracked. Replace ${hash_value} with the specific hash value you want to crack.

  • ${-usr-share-wordlists-rockyou-txt}: This is the path to the wordlist file containing possible passwords to be tested. Replace ${-usr-share-wordlists-rockyou-txt} with the actual path to the wordlist file on your system.

Overall, this command uses hashcat to crack a specific hash value using a specified hash type, attack mode, rules file, and wordlist.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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