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hashid: Identify hashes from standard input (through typing, copying and pasting, or piping the hash into the program).
$ hashid
try on your machine

The "hashid" command is a tool used for identifying different types of hashes. Hashing is a process where a given input is converted into a fixed-size string of characters that represents the original data. These hash functions are commonly used in computer security, cryptography, and data integrity verification.

The "hashid" command-line utility allows you to analyze a given hash and determine the type or algorithm used to generate it. It can help in identifying the encryption algorithm or hash function used, such as MD5, SHA1, SHA256, etc.

By passing the hash value as an argument to the "hashid" command, it will analyze and match the provided hash with a known database of hash types. If it finds a match, it will display the identified algorithm, providing valuable information about the hash.

Overall, the "hashid" command is a useful tool for quickly identifying the type of hash being used, which can be crucial for various security-related tasks or investigations.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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