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hdiutil: Unmount an image.
$ hdiutil detach /Volumes/${volume_file}
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The "hdiutil detach" is a command-line tool used in macOS to detach mounted disk images or devices from the system.

In this specific command: "hdiutil detach /Volumes/${volume_file}", it is used to detach a volume located at "/Volumes/${volume_file}".

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "hdiutil": This is the command-line tool name used to manipulate disk images in macOS.

  • "detach": This is the specific command within hdiutil used to detach a mounted disk image or device.

  • "/Volumes/${volume_file}": This is the path to the volume or disk image that you want to detach. "${volume_file}" is a placeholder for the actual name of the volume or disk image. For example, if the volume name is "MyDiskImage", then the command would be "hdiutil detach /Volumes/MyDiskImage".

By executing this command, the specified volume or disk image will be safely detached from the system, allowing you to remove or unmount it without any data loss or corruption.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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