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helm-install: Install a helm chart.
$ helm install ${name} ${repository_name}/${chart_name}
try on your machine

This command is used to install a Helm chart from a specified repository.

  • ${name} is a placeholder for the name you want to give to the installed release. It will be used to identify the release later when performing operations on it.
  • ${repository_name} is the name or URL of the Helm repository where the chart is located. This repository should be already added to Helm's list of repositories.
  • ${chart_name} is the name of the chart you want to install from the specified repository.

When you run this command, Helm will fetch the specified chart from the repository, and install it in your Kubernetes cluster using the provided name as the release name. Helm will deploy all the resources defined in the chart, such as pods, services, and config maps, according to the specified configuration values and settings.

Note that you need to have the Helm CLI installed and properly configured with a Kubernetes cluster to execute this command successfully.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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