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helm: Create a helm chart.
$ helm create ${chart_name}
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The command "helm create ${chart_name}" is used with the Helm package manager for Kubernetes.

When you run this command, Helm will generate a new chart with the given ${chart_name}. A Helm chart is a bundle of files that describe a related set of Kubernetes resources. These resources typically include deployments, services, and configurations that are needed to run an application on a Kubernetes cluster.

The "helm create" command sets up a basic directory structure and some template files that you can use as a starting point to build your chart. It creates a new directory with the specified ${chart_name} and generates the following files:

  1. Chart.yaml: This file contains metadata about the chart, such as version, description, and maintainer information.
  2. values.yaml: This file defines default values for configurable parameters, also known as Helm chart values.
  3. templates/ directory: This directory contains template files that define the Kubernetes resources to be deployed, such as deployments, services, and ingress.
  4. charts/ directory: This directory is initially empty, but it can be used to include dependencies or subcharts that your chart requires.

After running the "helm create" command, you can modify and customize the generated files to match the specific requirements of your application. Once you have made the necessary changes, you can package the chart and deploy it to a Kubernetes cluster using Helm.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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