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hexo: Create a new article.
$ hexo new ${layout} ${title}
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The command "hexo new ${layout} ${title}" is used in the Hexo framework to create a new blog post or page.

  • "${layout}" denotes the type of layout you want to use for your post/page. In Hexo, layouts determine the structure and appearance of your content. Some commonly used layouts include "post" for blog posts and "page" for standalone pages.
  • "${title}" refers to the title of your post/page, and it specifies the name that will appear as the title in the generated HTML.

When running this command with the desired values for "${layout}" and "${title}", Hexo will create a new Markdown file with the specified layout and title in your blog's "source/_posts" directory. The file will have a unique name based on the date and title. This allows you to start working on your new post/page immediately.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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