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hexo: Generate static files.
$ hexo generate
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The command "hexo generate" is a command used in Hexo, a popular static site generator, to generate a static version of your website.

When you run "hexo generate", Hexo reads the source files of your website, which are typically written in Markdown or HTML, and converts them into a static website.

This process involves several steps:

  1. Hexo looks for the source files in the designated source folder of your Hexo project, which is usually called "source" or "_posts". These files may contain the content of your pages, posts, or other elements on your website.

  2. Hexo parses the content of these files, along with any predefined templates or layouts, to generate HTML files.

  3. Hexo also processes any assets, such as images, CSS stylesheets, or JavaScript files, and copies them to the appropriate destination folders.

  4. The generated HTML files, along with the processed assets, are saved to the designated public folder or specified output folder within your Hexo project. This folder contains the complete static version of your website.

By running "hexo generate", you initiate this process of converting your source files into a static website. Once the command completes, you can deploy the generated static files to a web server or hosting service, allowing your website to be accessed by visitors.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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