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hexyl: Print 512 bytes starting at the 1024th byte.
$ hexyl -r ${1024}:+${512} ${filename}
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The command "hexyl -r ${1024}:+${512} ${filename}" is using the utility tool "hexyl" to analyze a specified section of a file.

Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • "hexyl": This is the name of the utility tool/command. It is typically used to display binary files in a hexadecimal format.

  • "-r": This option stands for "read-only" and indicates that the command will only read the file without performing any modifications.

  • "${1024}:+${512}": These curly braces and variables represent the range of bytes to be analyzed in the file. In this case, it specifies a range starting from byte 1024 and extending to the next 512 bytes.

  • "${filename}": This variable represents the name (or path) of the file you want to analyze. It is usually entered as an argument to the command.

Combining all these elements, the command instructs the "hexyl" tool to read the file specified in "${filename}" and display the hexadecimal representation of the section starting from byte 1024 and extending to the next 512 bytes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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